I am surprised of how much I learned visiting Steven and Glenn’s home. As a gay man, I thought I knew every thing about the joy and despear of a gay family life. As a young open-minded student, I guessed I had ideas about how to live a what life look loke being out. Thus I thought I knew too how to fight scepticism and homophobia. Thanks to the To have and to hold project, I learned that you do not know anything unless you have spoken and shared with other people. To say that others experiences empower your life and give you knowledge is not a cliché, it is a real way to engage with your life in the community and the society.
To see Glenn and Steven speaking about their three kids, their wedding, their families, their relatives and co-workers made me realize how everyday life is a political engagement. Every action we make is a choice, every time we act in the world (our own world or in our public life) we perform a moral choice. To see how much power, love, and cleverness Glenn and Steven are spreading around them gave me the will to speak more often out loud. Every time someone or a group endanger human rights and freedoms, you must stand up. For the families we met and the experiences we had. This is why we will display the 13lovestories every where we can, and anytime we will meet, in our personal or public life, someone speaking with clichés and using stereotypes, we will talk with them keeping in mind the love and the respect that the families shared with us.
Victor - UCLA - WAC
beautiful victor. thank you for writing that!