Sunday, February 15, 2009

Never a dull moment in the life of a UCLA Bruin!

Hey it’s Shamime, UCLA student!

The Family I was lucky to spend time with wac Raymond and Byron!

I loved visiting the families in their home! Their little girls were adorable! Seeing all of the love their dad’s had for them was amazing! It makes me want to share this experience with everyone I see; informing them that “family” has no limitations. A family can be however an individual(s) decide to make it. Interacting with the toddlers and gaining their trust was something I thoroughly enjoyed. Seeing the little girls come out of their shy shell and begin to interact with us was priceless! My personal interactions are as follows:

I recall the two girls not wanting to be near us when we first arrived. I finally had an idea of taking off my bracelet and letting one of them try it on. Finally about an hour later we were all in the family room with the children when their parents walked out with one twin, leaving the other next to the couch in the corner! I took this moment to see her sitting behind the couch with her bottle looking left/lost/trapped. I decided to take a chance and extend my hand from across the room in hopes that she would respond in some way or form! Luckily she did! She ran at my hand and grabbed it and leaned on my leg like she did with her Dad’s. I was relieved to be received so well!

Personally interacting was the highlight of my visit.

There’s never a dull moment in the life of a UCLA Bruin!


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